Tuesday, 15 August 2017

10 Tips To Help You Lose Weight

Hello readers! 

Here are my top 10 tips that can help you lose weight:

  • Realise that it's a lifestyle change and not a diet. If you want to change yourself, you have to be fully committed. If you think of it as just being a diet, it's likely you'll get bored and it'll become a chore.

  • Avoid drinking your calories and drink LOTS of water. Water is so good for you and can help you control your calorie intake. A lot of the time when you feel hungry even after you've eaten, you're actually just thirsty and if you drink some water you're likely to feel full. 

You can always add some lemon juice or fruit to flavour your water. I really like using my Hydrate M8 to consume my daily allowance of water as it shows you how much you should be drinking at certain times of the day.

  • Don't restrict yourself. If you want a treat, have a treat within reason. If you restrict yourself and never allow yourself to indulge in certain foods that you like then you're more likely to fail. 

  • Do some light exercise. Exercise will contribute to you losing weight, as well as helping you burn calories and fat. This is all part of leading a healthier lifestyle and enabling you to become stronger and have more endurance. If you don't like the thought of exercising you could go for a walk somewhere nice, this way it won't feel like you're exercising and it will be more enjoyable.

  • Stay motivated. Don't give up, even if one week you put on a couple of pounds this can motivate you to try even harder for the next week. Our body weight fluctuates all the time so it's important to realise that and not see it as you're failing.

  • Set realistic goals. The best way of doing this is to record your progress. This way you can look back and see how far you've come which will help you stay motivated. If you set yourself a goal for losing 1lb a week and you end up losing more, it'll make you feel good about yourself and encourage you to keep at it.

  • Take progress pictures. Take pictures of yourself before you're starting your lifestyle change and then every month after that. Seeing changes in your body through pictures will help motivate you and make you want to continue making positive changes. 

  • Switch out your usual unhealthy snacks for fresh fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are filling and low in calories. They have lots of vitamins in them which are really good for you.

  • Use a smaller plate to eat your meals on. If you do this, you won't be able to over eat. This also can help you portion control your meals.

  • Plan your meals. By doing this you'll always have the ingredients in your home to make what you need to for that day. You can also make a larger portion of food and freeze some to be reused another time. This will help you be more organised and illuminate the chance of getting a takeaway or other convenience foods. 

Thankyou for reading.

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