Monday, 13 March 2017

The 20 Stages Of Falling For Someone You Can't Have

Hello readers!

I feel like pretty much all of us have fallen for someone we know we can't have at some point in our lives. Feelings suck right? We have no control over them and 90% of the time we end up on an emotional rollercoaster with things never really going how we had hoped they would.

I guess I'm focusing on the negatives here, but some of us aren't lucky enough to fall for someone who's free, single and is equally into you.

The Butterflies - When your stomach does a little dance every time you see that one person. You could be in the worst mood and as soon as you see them you're a changed person, fluttering about thinking wow why do I feel like this?

The Realisation - Oh shit! You question yourself thinking of all people why am I falling for you? Why do I find you so attractive? Then you rule it out of your head and tell yourself it's never going to work.

The Denial - Ha, no surely not. Of course this could never work. You wonder why you're even considering this and assume they're probably not into you.

The Awkwardness - Okay, so now you've acknowledged where this is going, any type of contact with this person becomes painfully awkward and eye contact is definitely a no no. 

Avoidance - Of course the only obvious step to move forward is to blatantly avoid them and keep out of their way. Telling yourself the whole out of sight out of mind thing is totally going to work.  

The Social Media Stalking - Your true stalking skills shine through, you know every single picture and status they've ever posted on all social media sites. When they've last been online and what pictures they've been liking. You name it you know it, right down to their parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, and friends names and occupations. Let's just hope you don't end up 376 weeks deep and end up liking their old picture. 

I'll Find Someone Else - You tell yourself your brain has got it all wrong, there's plenty more fish in the sea and your true love is out there somewhere waiting for you.. Tinder it is.

Texting - Any possible excuse there is to text them you're on it and when you get a reply from them your face lights up and you start grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Then there's the whole disaster in wanting to reply, but not replying too quickly you want them to think you're busy and not literally sitting starting at your phone screen waiting for their reply. 

Inner Strength - You tell yourself you're a strong independent individual. You've come this far through the process and you realise you're adult enough to push these feelings aside and get on with life.

Hanging Out - All it takes is five minutes in their company then BAM hello feelings. They all come flooding back and you realise maybe you're not as strong as you thought you was?

Dropping Hints - Am I making it too obvious that I like this person? I wonder if they've realised I'm looking at them constantly and watching their every move. Or maybe it's my shit idea of flirting that means that finally they've started picking up the signals and I do you know what I don't even care anymore, or do I?

The Confession - You've felt like this for quite some time and you realise it's time to confess to someone and get some advice. 90% of the time you get the: 'No way, really? You should totally go for it you would be so cute together!' Your mum is always the best bet when it comes to the confession, she always says the right things.

The Acceptance -  It finally starts hitting home, you can never ever go there with this person. Feelings suck.

I'm Over It - Once you finally accept it's never going to happen it gets easier, although the feelings have a tendency to creep back when you're least expecting it.

The Dating Game - Everything is fine, you start meeting other people and moving on. It's always a bonus when you only think about your crush the odd few times a day, that's a new record. 

The Recovery - You might end up in a new relationship or you might need to take some time to get over this whole ordeal of being on this rollercoaster of emotions, but you got this you can do it.

Testing Time - You can now successfully stalk their social media and feel nothing out of the ordinary. You can confidently 'like' their picture being a friend who's got no guilt, you've done it you've won!

The Relief -  Phew, it's all over and you realise you're free. Now it's time to concentrate on someone new. You're a changed person.

The Odd Thought - Those nights where you can't sleep and your former crush suddenly pops into your head and you create little scenarios that you know would never happen of you two together.. that's totally normal. It happens to everyone, honest..

Summery - On a real level, I've been there and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'm certain that most people would be able to relate to this in some way. Going through the heartache of liking someone who didn't like you back was hard, but it has made me stronger. I know people deal with things in different ways, but you'll get over it and you've got to remind yourself that what's meant to be will be. 

Another option is to just tell them how you feel, as you get older you realise life is short and the worst thing that can happen is they don't like you back. That sucks, but at least you know where you stand and you can move on with your life. 
You never know they might like you too and if they don't it's their loss!

Thankyou for reading! 

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