Thursday, 9 March 2017

Six Skincare Products From The Body Shop That Will Change Your Life

Hello readers!

I have recently changed up my skincare routine, or lack of as I'd usually use make up wipes and a moisturiser and that's pretty much it. (I wouldn't recommend). 

I've never really shown much interest in the whole skincare side of things. I'm much more interested in make up, but if you don't have good skin and a clean base to start with, then the end result will never look as good as it could. I watched Fabulous Hannah's video - My Magic Skincare Routine which was in collaboration with The Body Shop. This really inspired me to invest in some good quality products that would really help my skin.

I was lucky enough to receive all of the products used in Hannah's video for my 20th birthday, along with lots of other lovely presents. My parents and friends know me well! 

The products leave your face feeling amazing. Your face literally glows after using these products in conjunction with each other as well as feeling super healthy and clean! Using a make up wipe alone never fully gets rid of all the make up on your face, meaning the excess dirt is left which is gross when you think about it! This often leads to spots and dull looking skin. 

The Products That I Use:

I follow the same routine that Hannah follows in her video as I find this works best for me. I tend to use all the products at least once a week. The Drops of Light Liquid Peel and the Drops of Youth Concentrate I sometimes leave out day to day as the liquid peel acts as a gentle exfoliator and the concentrate is a serum. These products don't need to be used everyday, although you can if you want to! 

The Body Shop offer really affordable products that are great quality. I highly recommend investing some extra time and money into some skincare products that can really help to improve your skin, after using these products I wouldn't look back!

There are always some really good discount codes if you order online too, so it's always worth having a look!

Get 20% off your first order - 14669

Thankyou for reading!

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