Wednesday, 21 September 2016

The 20 Questions Tag

Hello readers!

Today I thought I would do a quick post as I'm currently working on some longer blog posts at the moment and didn't want to leave it too long before I posting again! I saw this tag floating around the internet and figured I would join in.

So here goes:

1 - Thing you can't leave the house without?

Answer: I couldn't leave the house without my phone. I always have to have it on me!

2 - Favourite brand of makeup?

Answer: My favourite brand of makeup would have to be MAC! Their lipsticks, in particular Velvet Teddy is my favourite!

3 - Favourite flowers?

Answer: My favourite flowers would have to be peonies, but you can only get them in May, June and July! I also love red roses! 

4 - Favourite clothing stores?

Answer: New Look and River Island are my favourite places to shop for clothes! They're both quite reasonably priced too.

5 - Favourite perfume?

Answer: I'm going to cheat, I have two! Ironically ChloƩ is one of my favourites as it smells so fresh and lasts a long time, but I also love Molecule 01! I always get compliments whenever I wear it! It smells unique on different people, which I think is quite interesting!

6 - Heels or flats?

Answer: Flats all the way! I can't walk in heels to save my life, if I ever do wear heels I end up taking them off after like ten minutes! I do wish I could rock wearing heels more often though as I feel they can really make an outfit!

7 - Do you have good grades?

Answer: I got fairly good grades, all A*-C.

8 - Favourite colours?

Answer: Burgundy is my current favourite colour, but I also love grey, baby pink and rose gold! 

9 - Do you drink energy drinks?

Answer: No! I've tried them in the past and I don't think they taste very nice. People always say they're really bad for you too and any time I've ever drank one I wouldn't say it's given me energy, so I'd rather drink something else!

10 - Do you drink juice?

Answer: Occasionally I love a good class of fresh orange juice - can't beat it!

11 - Do you like swimming?

Answer: Yes, I never used to be very good but over time I got better! I haven't been swimming since school, but would definitely like to go soon!

12 - Do you eat chips with a fork?

Answer: It depends what chips! McDonalds chips, no. Chips from the chip shop, yes. With lots of ketchup too - yum!

13 - Whats your favourite moisturiser?

Answer: The Origins GinZing Energy Boosting Moisturiser would have to be my favourite, it's reasonably priced and leaves your skin feeling super soft and hydrated!

14 - Do you want to get married later on in life?

Answer: Yes, I hope to!

15 - Do you get mad easily?

Answer: It depends on the situation. Most of the time I'll get mad and forgive easy, but if you screw me over then that's it!

16 - Are you into ghost hunting?

Answer: Nope! I'm not too sure what to believe when it comes to ghosts and all that, my opinion changes all the time!

17 - Any phobias?

Answer: I have a few! Currently I have a phobia of driving which to some probably sounds crazy! I think it stems from it taking me so long to pass my driving test and the whole idea of being fully in control! It's scary not having someone there to stop you if you're doing something wrong and I hate it when I mess up! I'm working on it though and I am slowly gaining more confidence! 

I also hate bees and wasps with a passion, that buzzing noise really creeps me out!

18 - Do you bite your nails?

Answer: Yes and no! I can grow my nails for a long time, but if I'm anxious or stressed I'll end biting them all off! It's a horrible habit!

19 - Have you ever had a near death experience?

Answer: No, I wish I had an interesting story to tell!

20 - Do you drink coffee? 

Answer: Yes, we have a Nespresso coffee machine at home which makes the best coffees! I have a thing for iced coffees at the moment too!

If you would like to do this tag here are the questions:

1 - Thing you can't leave the house without?
2 - Favourite brand of makeup?
3 - Favourite flowers?
4 - Favourite clothing stores?
5 - Favourite perfume?
6 - Heels or flats?
7 - Do you have good grades?
8 - Favourite colours? 
9 - Do you drink energy drinks?
10 - Do you drink juice?
11 - Do you like swimming?
12 - Do you eat chips with a fork?
13 - Whats your favourite moisturiser?
14 - Do you want to get married later on in life?
15 - Do you get mad easily?
16 - Are you into ghost hunting?
17 - Any phobias?
18 - Do you bite your nails?
19 - Have you ever had a near death experience?
20 - Do you drink coffee? 

Thankyou for reading!


  1. Ah so nice to learn more about you, I agree I couldn't leave my house without my phone either.. it would be too weird! Your posts are always so lovely, keep doing what you do pretty lady! x
