Hello readers!
It's been a journey. I started driving lessons on my 17th birthday, not being able to even drive in a straight line ha! (I've done a previous blog post about my driving experience).
I passed my theory test first time, which I was pretty happy with. This was in April 2014. However, your theory certificate only lasts for 2 years from when you pass the test, basically giving you two years to pass your driving test or you have to retake the theory test!
So, test number 1 was back in October 2014. I was a wreck and failed miserably with something like 22 minors and 5 serious/dangerous faults (you're allowed to make up to 15 driving faults and no serious or dangerous faults). To be fair, I didn't have a very nice examiner and I was so nervous I literally forgot how to drive! Now I look back and laugh!! Anyway, this really knocked my confidence, but showed that I just wasn't ready!
I didn't give up, the next week I was back having driving lessons and eventually booked up test two. This didn't go very well either, but still I'd book up another test every time I failed 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th test later and I still couldn't pass the driving test! I even tried a different test centre hoping that the rumours about it being an easier place to drive in were true.. But I still failed!
(I think it's fair to say I was on first name terms with most of the driving test examiners at the test centre). - I joke, although one examiner recognised me after having him three times!!
On one of my driving test days I found out I couldn't read the car registration from a certain distance away. Something you need to be able to do before the examiner starts the driving test! Luckily, I was able to memorise the plate number and give the test a try anyway!
On another occasion I started feeling so anxious whilst driving to the test centre that I suddenly got really bad chest pains. I remember not wanting to tell my instructor because I was embarrassed, but in the end I had to tell him and we pulled up somewhere so I could get some fresh air! I was so freaked out and my driving instructor didn't really know what to do. He said I didn't have to go through with doing the driving test, but to me this wasn't an option. Thankfully, after half an hour the pain subsided and by this time my instructor had driven us the rest of the way to the test centre.
It got to a point where I could only book up one more driving test before my theory certificate would expire and I would have to start the whole expensive process again!
I think it's fair to say I'm a pretty nervous and anxious person. Especially when driving/taking the driving test!!
Believe it or not I can actually drive, test one I was definitely not ready, but the other tests I failed I would always be so close to passing! I would make silly mistakes that I hadn't ever previously made and then beat myself up thinking 'if only I didn't do that, I would have passed!!'
By this time I was 19. It was hard watching people younger and my friends passing their driving tests before me first time, second time with no trouble! I learnt that you should never compare yourself to anyone.. You'll be ready when you're ready!
So, test number 7 I only had four and a half hours preparation before the test. I had taken a good few months break before starting driving again and I was worried I'd have forgotten how to drive! I was doing my driving lesson and then going on to do 8 and 9 hour shifts straight afterwards - I was exhausted!
April 4th 2016. Dreaded test day, but after over two years of on and off driving and countless driving tests I DID IT!!!
I had a really lovely examiner who was quite chatty which helped relax my nerves. A little while after the test had started I had to complete and left reverse around a corner - my worst one! I thought I had failed doing this as I completed the manoeuvre, but I was a little too far from the curb for my liking. I didn't hit the curb or the line on the other side of the car though! In my defence the corner was a difficult one, I remembered practicing it before in previous lessons!
A little while after this I had to complete some independent driving which was fine, I genuinely thought I had failed completing the manoeuvre earlier on, so I drove the rest of the test pretty calmly. I was relieved when I knew we was on our way to the test centre!
I remember my examiner saying 'have I been your examiner before?' I hadn't had him before, but for some reason was like 'I'm not too sure I think so' he replied 'good because you won't be having me again' I remember thinking oh, maybe he's going to work at a different test centre or leaving his job or something but then a few seconds later he added 'because you've passed!'
BEST FEELING I was so shocked, but so happy I passed with six minors! All the money I had spent on my theory, lessons and tests seemed worth it for that moment! I could have given up, but I am so glad I stuck at it!
This time round I had taken some Kalms tablets - 6 the day before and 2 on the morning of the test. I believe they helped me a lot with my nerves. Although I was still nervous I wasn't half as bad as I usually am!
I've learnt so much and I believe that everything happens for a reason. I just wasn't ready before, but eventually the time was right!
- Get a good nights sleep before test day,
- Take calming tablets if you feel they'll help you - always do your research beforehand,
- Most importantly - NEVER GIVE UP sometimes it's hard to pick yourself up when things have gone wrong, but if I can do it anyone can!
Thankyou for reading! x
It's been a journey. I started driving lessons on my 17th birthday, not being able to even drive in a straight line ha! (I've done a previous blog post about my driving experience).
I passed my theory test first time, which I was pretty happy with. This was in April 2014. However, your theory certificate only lasts for 2 years from when you pass the test, basically giving you two years to pass your driving test or you have to retake the theory test!
So, test number 1 was back in October 2014. I was a wreck and failed miserably with something like 22 minors and 5 serious/dangerous faults (you're allowed to make up to 15 driving faults and no serious or dangerous faults). To be fair, I didn't have a very nice examiner and I was so nervous I literally forgot how to drive! Now I look back and laugh!! Anyway, this really knocked my confidence, but showed that I just wasn't ready!
I didn't give up, the next week I was back having driving lessons and eventually booked up test two. This didn't go very well either, but still I'd book up another test every time I failed 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th test later and I still couldn't pass the driving test! I even tried a different test centre hoping that the rumours about it being an easier place to drive in were true.. But I still failed!
(I think it's fair to say I was on first name terms with most of the driving test examiners at the test centre). - I joke, although one examiner recognised me after having him three times!!
On one of my driving test days I found out I couldn't read the car registration from a certain distance away. Something you need to be able to do before the examiner starts the driving test! Luckily, I was able to memorise the plate number and give the test a try anyway!
On another occasion I started feeling so anxious whilst driving to the test centre that I suddenly got really bad chest pains. I remember not wanting to tell my instructor because I was embarrassed, but in the end I had to tell him and we pulled up somewhere so I could get some fresh air! I was so freaked out and my driving instructor didn't really know what to do. He said I didn't have to go through with doing the driving test, but to me this wasn't an option. Thankfully, after half an hour the pain subsided and by this time my instructor had driven us the rest of the way to the test centre.
It got to a point where I could only book up one more driving test before my theory certificate would expire and I would have to start the whole expensive process again!
I think it's fair to say I'm a pretty nervous and anxious person. Especially when driving/taking the driving test!!
Believe it or not I can actually drive, test one I was definitely not ready, but the other tests I failed I would always be so close to passing! I would make silly mistakes that I hadn't ever previously made and then beat myself up thinking 'if only I didn't do that, I would have passed!!'
By this time I was 19. It was hard watching people younger and my friends passing their driving tests before me first time, second time with no trouble! I learnt that you should never compare yourself to anyone.. You'll be ready when you're ready!
So, test number 7 I only had four and a half hours preparation before the test. I had taken a good few months break before starting driving again and I was worried I'd have forgotten how to drive! I was doing my driving lesson and then going on to do 8 and 9 hour shifts straight afterwards - I was exhausted!
April 4th 2016. Dreaded test day, but after over two years of on and off driving and countless driving tests I DID IT!!!
I had a really lovely examiner who was quite chatty which helped relax my nerves. A little while after the test had started I had to complete and left reverse around a corner - my worst one! I thought I had failed doing this as I completed the manoeuvre, but I was a little too far from the curb for my liking. I didn't hit the curb or the line on the other side of the car though! In my defence the corner was a difficult one, I remembered practicing it before in previous lessons!
A little while after this I had to complete some independent driving which was fine, I genuinely thought I had failed completing the manoeuvre earlier on, so I drove the rest of the test pretty calmly. I was relieved when I knew we was on our way to the test centre!
I remember my examiner saying 'have I been your examiner before?' I hadn't had him before, but for some reason was like 'I'm not too sure I think so' he replied 'good because you won't be having me again' I remember thinking oh, maybe he's going to work at a different test centre or leaving his job or something but then a few seconds later he added 'because you've passed!'
BEST FEELING I was so shocked, but so happy I passed with six minors! All the money I had spent on my theory, lessons and tests seemed worth it for that moment! I could have given up, but I am so glad I stuck at it!
This time round I had taken some Kalms tablets - 6 the day before and 2 on the morning of the test. I believe they helped me a lot with my nerves. Although I was still nervous I wasn't half as bad as I usually am!
I've learnt so much and I believe that everything happens for a reason. I just wasn't ready before, but eventually the time was right!
- Get a good nights sleep before test day,
- Take calming tablets if you feel they'll help you - always do your research beforehand,
- Most importantly - NEVER GIVE UP sometimes it's hard to pick yourself up when things have gone wrong, but if I can do it anyone can!
Thankyou for reading! x
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