Sunday, 18 September 2016

iPhone Photography Tips & Tricks

Hello readers!

If you're looking to get the most out of your iPhone camera and to get better pictures then you're in the right place!

It is no secret that I am passionate about photography. I love the whole aspect of capturing a moment with a picture that can't be re-seen exactly the same way again! A proper camera and the equipment to go with it can be quite pricey, but you can actually get some decent pictures just by using an iPhone if you know how!

So, here are my top 8 tips and tricks:

  • Turn on the HDR (high dynamic range) setting. This helps to improve the quality of your pictures. It does this by combining the best part of three different exposures into one photo. The mode can be found at the top of your camera app!

Here are some picture I have taken using this feature:

  • Find yourself some good editing apps. If you've taken a good picture to begin with then it shouldn't need too much editing, but it's always fun to play around! I recommend Afterlight, Facetune, VISCO and of course the standard Instagram editing tool! 

Afterlight is good for changing the red, green and blue tones in your pictures! Here's an example:



Facetune is good for bringing out the whiteness and details in your images!
Here's an example:



VISCO is good for its great variety of different filters and editing tools. Here's an example:



  • Use the camera grid setting. To do this, go to settings and scroll down to Photos & Camera! Using the camera grid will help you line up the horizon properly for straighter looking images! This then makes it a whole lot easier to compose your photos and get that winning shot!

  • Taking better pictures at night. The flash setting isn't great for taking photos during the day, I would recommend trying to use natural lighting, however at night it really can come into its own! You can also play around with the exposure slider which appears when you're focusing on something! Putting the exposure up can help brighten your photo, as the shutter stays open longer which lets more light hit the sensor.

  • Avoid using the zoom feature. Most of the time when you zoom into whatever it is you're trying to take a picture of it results in poor quality photo that looks soft with little detail! Instead, it is best to take a picture further out and then crop it after! This way you don't compromise on detail and picture quality! You can also try getting closer to the object you're taking a picture of. This can help you frame your shots better and capture some unique pictures!

  • Take pictures using the burst mode. This mode is most useful when you're trying to capture that perfect action shot (posing, waking, animals, birds and moving water). It helps to leave you with an image with minimal blur and maximum detail. To activate this mode all you need to do is press and hold down the shutter button on your camera app. The longer you hold it down the more photos it will take. You can then choose your favourite pictures from the sequence and delete the rest! 

  • Set the focus. The iPhone usually does this automatically, however sometimes it doesn't so you have to set the focus manually! To do this all you have to do is tap the shot on your screen where you want there to be focus and your iPhone camera will do the rest for you! Using focus really helps to shop up the detail and clarity of your images!

Here are some picture I have taken using focus:

  • Share your photos. Instagram is probably one of my favourite social media platforms! Its a great way to express yourself through photography! If you've captured a great image, why not show it off! Taking pictures using the square feature in the camera app will help fit to your Instagram feed and make it look more professional. Uploading consistently and using a few hashtags can help you get noticed and build up a following!

You can find my Instagram accounts here:

Thankyou for reading!

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