Friday, 16 September 2016

Just Be You - Education & Jobs

Hello readers!

I feel as though this is going to be a long one, so if you make it to the end high five! *inserts high five emoji*

I feel as if there is so much pressure these days to look and be a certain way. I think that social media plays a massive part in this and I for one am guilty of comparing myself to other people all the time! It is so important to just be yourself!

So, rewind back to being in year 11 - one of the most important secondary school years! I worked hard and managed to get pretty good GCSE grades. An A in English? Who'd of thought, my spelling is still shocking! At this time I was still unsure of what I wanted to do when I grew up. I didn't really want to take A Levels as I felt this would be too much like school and I wanted a break so I decided to study a two year course which was an extended diploma in health and social care at my local college. I guess I hoped to one day become a nurse - I have always loved the thought of being able to help people and give something back!

As someone who is socially awkward, college was interesting especially as I knew pretty much no one in my class! Things wasn't too bad, as pretty much everyone was in the same boat so it was quite easy to make new friends. The work was stressful, but I managed to keep up with the work and was achieving distinction grades in my assignments!

Also, around this sort of time I got my first proper job, working at TK Maxx! I loved having independence as well as earning my own money! I later went on to apply for a job at Tesco as a Christmas temp, but I was eventually taken on permanently!

Towards the end of my first year of college things started to change. I always find it so hard to explain exactly how I felt, but I was so unhappy! I had pressure from working two jobs, trying to keep both happy as well as keeping up with assignments and deadlines. I quickly started to fall out of love with my course and decided the career path I was taking wasn't the right choice for me. I ended up leaving college and continued to work both jobs until a year of being at TK Max when I also decided to leave!

I guess for a 16/17 year old at the time, having two jobs and earning decent money seemed a whole lot more appealing than doing assignments! Although I don't necessarily regret leaving college when I did, part of me wishes I had gotten my priorities straight and stuck it out for another year and got the full qualification! I have some sort of qualification to a distinction for the work I did, but I have no idea what it's worth - ha!

I struggled watching friends from my course go off to uni. Of course I was happy for them, they worked hard to get to where they need to be, however I couldn't help but compare myself and question what the hell am I going to do with my life. You know some people just seem to know from an early age what they want to do and how to do it, I was and still am certainly not one of those people. I have learnt that that's okay!

By not continuing my course, I have learnt so much about myself and found out what my real hobbies and interests are! I am a lover of creativity, I love drawing and photography and would love to eventually get into a job that involves one of the two!

At the end of the day, we all end up where we need to be eventually! Some of us just might take a different path or take a little longer to get there. That's the beauty of us all being individual and unique. If you're in a similar situation to what I was, or questioning whether or not to go to university etc, just know that whatever you decide will be the right thing for you! There are always lots of different options depending on what level you're in of education - it's never too late to follow your dreams!

I have continued to work at Tesco for 

nearly three years now! In all honesty I'm still not happy. Although I hope to get back into education at some point, currently I want to progress and push myself within the company as Tesco has some great options to offer!

By all means I'm not saying quit education and get a job! It's down to you and if anything I'd say make the most of education while you don't have to pay!

I am soon going to be studying A Level maths, and then potentially going back to college to study a few more A Levels so that I have the qualifications to go to university if I decide to in the future! I guess I've decided I miss education and would like a few more qualifications to my name! I am also going to continue with my hobbies and doing the things that make me happy!

What's meant to be will be, do what makes you happy! It's easy to say, but don't let what other people are doing affect what you're doing or how you feel in a negative way! If you're not happy about something change it and if you want something in life go get it!

Thank you for reading!

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