Tuesday, 15 August 2017

10 Tips To Help You Lose Weight

Hello readers! 

Here are my top 10 tips that can help you lose weight:

  • Realise that it's a lifestyle change and not a diet. If you want to change yourself, you have to be fully committed. If you think of it as just being a diet, it's likely you'll get bored and it'll become a chore.

  • Avoid drinking your calories and drink LOTS of water. Water is so good for you and can help you control your calorie intake. A lot of the time when you feel hungry even after you've eaten, you're actually just thirsty and if you drink some water you're likely to feel full. 

Monday, 13 March 2017

The 20 Stages Of Falling For Someone You Can't Have

Hello readers!

I feel like pretty much all of us have fallen for someone we know we can't have at some point in our lives. Feelings suck right? We have no control over them and 90% of the time we end up on an emotional rollercoaster with things never really going how we had hoped they would.

I guess I'm focusing on the negatives here, but some of us aren't lucky enough to fall for someone who's free, single and is equally into you.

The Butterflies - When your stomach does a little dance every time you see that one person. You could be in the worst mood and as soon as you see them you're a changed person, fluttering about thinking wow why do I feel like this?

The Realisation - Oh shit! You question yourself thinking of all people why am I falling for you? Why do I find you so attractive? Then you rule it out of your head and tell yourself it's never going to work.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

Six Skincare Products From The Body Shop That Will Change Your Life

Hello readers!

I have recently changed up my skincare routine, or lack of as I'd usually use make up wipes and a moisturiser and that's pretty much it. (I wouldn't recommend). 

I've never really shown much interest in the whole skincare side of things. I'm much more interested in make up, but if you don't have good skin and a clean base to start with, then the end result will never look as good as it could. I watched Fabulous Hannah's video - My Magic Skincare Routine which was in collaboration with The Body Shop. This really inspired me to invest in some good quality products that would really help my skin.

I was lucky enough to receive all of the products used in Hannah's video for my 20th birthday, along with lots of other lovely presents. My parents and friends know me well!