Wednesday, 21 September 2016

The 20 Questions Tag

Hello readers!

Today I thought I would do a quick post as I'm currently working on some longer blog posts at the moment and didn't want to leave it too long before I posting again! I saw this tag floating around the internet and figured I would join in.

So here goes:

1 - Thing you can't leave the house without?

Answer: I couldn't leave the house without my phone. I always have to have it on me!

2 - Favourite brand of makeup?

Answer: My favourite brand of makeup would have to be MAC! Their lipsticks, in particular Velvet Teddy is my favourite!

3 - Favourite flowers?

Answer: My favourite flowers would have to be peonies, but you can only get them in May, June and July! I also love red roses! 

Sunday, 18 September 2016

iPhone Photography Tips & Tricks

Hello readers!

If you're looking to get the most out of your iPhone camera and to get better pictures then you're in the right place!

It is no secret that I am passionate about photography. I love the whole aspect of capturing a moment with a picture that can't be re-seen exactly the same way again! A proper camera and the equipment to go with it can be quite pricey, but you can actually get some decent pictures just by using an iPhone if you know how!

So, here are my top 8 tips and tricks:

  • Turn on the HDR (high dynamic range) setting. This helps to improve the quality of your pictures. It does this by combining the best part of three different exposures into one photo. The mode can be found at the top of your camera app!

Here are some picture I have taken using this feature:

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Tattoo Talk

Hello readers!

Getting a tattoo is a decision that shouldn't be taken lightly! Of course once it's on you, it's there for life and can't be removed - unless you have the money to pay out for laser tattoo removal.. ouch!

For some people their tattoos don't have a whole lot of meaning to them, they might appreciate the art work or use them as a way of expressing themselves. I personally prefer to have a meaning behind my tattoos, but that's just my own opinion. There is no right or wrong!

I got my first tattoos back in August last year! I waited till I was 18, the legal age in the U.K. It is important you do your own research and find a reputable place with good reviews. I have learnt through experience that you get what you pay for and sometimes paying a little more is worth it in the long run!
I wanted my first two tattoos for about a year before I finally decided to get them. I wanted to make sure I really wanted them and wasn't going to regret getting them in the future! I done my research and went to a tattoo shop in Bishops Stortford called Baby Boys. One Friday I popped in and showed them my tattoo ideas and because they were fairly small I was told I could pop in on their walk in day which was the following day so I didn't have to pay a deposit! 

Friday, 16 September 2016

A Day Trip To Brighton

Hello readers!

I recently took a day trip to Brighton and thought I would share my day with you!


Hello readers!

It's been a journey. I started driving lessons on my 17th birthday, not being able to even drive in a straight line ha! (I've done a previous blog post about my driving experience).

I passed my theory test first time, which I was pretty happy with. This was in April 2014. However, your theory certificate only lasts for 2 years from when you pass the test, basically giving you two years to pass your driving test or you have to retake the theory test!

Just Be You - Education & Jobs

Hello readers!

I feel as though this is going to be a long one, so if you make it to the end high five! *inserts high five emoji*

I feel as if there is so much pressure these days to look and be a certain way. I think that social media plays a massive part in this and I for one am guilty of comparing myself to other people all the time! It is so important to just be yourself!

So, rewind back to being in year 11 - one of the most important secondary school years! I worked hard and managed to get pretty good GCSE grades. An A in English? Who'd of thought, my spelling is still shocking! At this time I was still unsure of what I wanted to do when I grew up. I didn't really want to take A Levels as I felt this would be too much like school and I wanted a break so I decided to study a two year course which was an extended diploma in health and social care at my local college. I guess I hoped to one day become a nurse - I have always loved the thought of being able to help people and give something back!

As someone who is socially awkward, college was interesting especially as I knew pretty much no one in my class! Things wasn't too bad, as pretty much everyone was in the same boat so it was quite easy to make new friends. The work was stressful, but I managed to keep up with the work and was achieving distinction grades in my assignments!